It Works!!!
My 96 cent record player from the junk store actually works! Out of the 4 record players they had, which were all in the junk section and hadn't been tested/would not qualify for a refund, this was the only one with a needle. Plus, it was the cheapest. The 3 mile bike ride both ways was worth it! Although trying to ride a bike and carry a giant record player is very difficult...
I also found a vending machine for rice. I don't know what to make of it.
Leaving for Tokyo in a few hours, where I get to waste my money at Secret Base! And instead of getting a hotel, I get an entire floor of an office building. I originally planned to sleep in internet cafes for the entire trip, just because I didn't want to worry about hotel reservations, or curfews, or anything of the sort. Then a friend offered me my own floor of an office building in Ginza to stay in. It sounds like a premise for a bad movie. I can't wait.
I also found a vending machine for rice. I don't know what to make of it.
Leaving for Tokyo in a few hours, where I get to waste my money at Secret Base! And instead of getting a hotel, I get an entire floor of an office building. I originally planned to sleep in internet cafes for the entire trip, just because I didn't want to worry about hotel reservations, or curfews, or anything of the sort. Then a friend offered me my own floor of an office building in Ginza to stay in. It sounds like a premise for a bad movie. I can't wait.
huzzah for bad premise for a movie! I expect detailed notes, so that I can write a script from them and co-opt your life for my own personal gain. You will be played by a stick figure.
By BrooksIsHere, at 8:05 AM
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